Recently short film “Twist” by director Ovsanna Shekoyan has been included in competition program of 26th Sarajevo Film Festival. The film will have its world premiere at the festival. A total of 49 films will compete for the Heart of Sarajevo awards at the 26th Sarajevo Film Festival.
Apartment, acting both as a prison and a mirror for a person, becomes the subject of an ongoing moving still life. A permanently rotating camera gives the viewer a 360 degree view of an apartment and observes the relationships that are a part of a modern family in a conservative society.
About Festival
An interesting film festival in terms of cultural aspects, with increasing importance for the relations between East and West. General focus of the Sarajevo Film Festival is on regional production. Sarajevo Film Festival dedicates its Competition Programme solely to regional film, showing regional, international and world premieres of films from Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.
This year, the Sarajevo Film Festival selection team lead by Creative Director Izeta Građević has seen 750 films submitted for the festival, including 130 feature fiction films, 220 documentaries, 250 short and 150 student titles. The festival will be held from 14 to 21 August.